OWL News
Read all about it! Read all about it! This is Blah Blah your official OWL News Reporter bringing you the latest news from all around the world. Operation World Literacy is in the news again this week and this reporter just can't wait to tell you all about it. Did you know that reading the news is the best way to get all the facts? TV News is for the birds, like sea gulls and sparrows, which have a short span of attention and no imagination! On the other wing, the daily newspaper is great. You can read it in the morning and then use it for your nest at night! If you want my advice, read the paper every day to keep ahead of the flock.
OWL Agents publish a news article every week in the school newsletter. Sometimes these articles provide information about new competitions or contain helpful hints about earning OWL Merit Points. Below is a copy of each of the news articles. The most recent article is first.
Swoop in to Scoop up a Bargain!
"Guess what? The owls have found out about the School Fair! Owls just love fairs and fund-raisers. So to help the school raise money for the Library, the owls will be selling official OWL Badges and Bookmarks for only $2.00 each, AND THERE'S MORE... If you buy an OWL Badge you can also enter the "How Many Feathers in Snowy's Nest" competition, AND THERE'S MORE... If you buy an OWL Bookmark you can enter the "How many Snakes in Snowy's Lunch" competition. There will also be an "Owls in the Library" display for the parents. So all you have to do is jump out of your nest and swoop in to scoop up a bargain.
Tooh Tooh Many Things Tooh Do!
"The library owls are very b-busy at the moment - Have you seen us in the library yet? We're returning books before the end of term; checking who-who's forgotten and who-who's been good; putting b-books back on the shelves. There are OWL agent's in a flap every where. My name is W-Wink and I'm the OWL Agent in charge of returning books. I'm a b-bit flustered at the moment, because some library books come back looking simply disgraceful. And guess who-who has to clean them? Its Me, of course. So please bring back all your library books in good condition. If you can't find any in your library bag, just check around your nest. Don't forget; they have to be back by the last week of term."
Wooh Hooh! This is Great!
"Thirty-six, thirty-seven, thirty-eight... Its Skippy here from OWL Headquarters, just letting you know of all the great fun we are having in the Library... Forty-three, forty-four, forty-five... It's a real hoot, even if I do say so myself! There are displays to see, competitions to try and best of all prizes to win. Owls everywhere of course - Its gone crazy! Hey, have you tried out "Hoo's Hoo" or "Library Quest" yet? These great on-line competitions will keep you on your toes, I reckon. Whoooooops... Here we go again... One, two, three... So check it out at www.informationtechnologies.com.au/owl or just skip into the Library like me."
Can you see me?
“Hi. I’m Snowy and I’m in Prep. I’m a snow owl from Canada. My feathers are so white that when I close my eyes you can hardly see me in a snow drift. I love the snow. Don’t you? I bet you’re all wondering what I’m doing here in your school Library? Well, I have a very important job to do. See my badge? I’m an OWL Agent! My boss, the Professor, put me in charge of Picture Books. I really love Picture Books and my job is to help you find all the best ones. Every week I just bring a few back to my nest. I love the pictures because they help me to read the words. I also like it when someone takes the time to read to me. It’s the pictures that make it fun to read!"
Become an OWL yourself!
“Ah-Hem. Good evening. The Professor here again. Like a challenge, do you? Good at finding things, perhaps? Pretty keen on winning prizes, then? Yes, well I thought so. You might make a good OWL Agent after all. OWL stands for Operation World Literacy. It is all about, well, just finding a good book to read. As director of OWL I could use your help. Right now my agents are in your library doing a bit of research of their own. When they find a really good book to read they leave their OWL ID card inside the cover. If you borrow a library book and find their card inside, simply write your name on the back of the card and leave it at OWL Headquarters in the library. To become an OWL Agent yourself and get your own OWL ID card you will have to find five of my agent’s cards in your own class level. Every term I present a prize to my best OWL Agents. So good luck to you! Ah-Hem.”
OWLs in the Library!
“Ah-Hem. Good evening. I am The Professor, director of Operation World Literacy or OWL. The purpose of OWL is to help you find a really good book to read, just like in the good old days. You know, I remember when kids were excited by books and had a lot of good old fashioned fun reading them. Well OWL is here to help. In fact, OWL Agents have just flown in from all over the world and set up a headquarters right in your school library. They have already started Library Quest – a new online book forum with tricky questions and prizes for you. You can even become an OWL Agent yourself if you get involved. To find out more about OWL just visit your library or simply go to the OWL web site at https://www.gonzales.com.au/Library Remember: OWLs make reading jolly good fun!”