Teacher Resources
Hi, I'm Libby. As a teacher resource librarian, my job is to provide all sorts of materials to help educators research, prepare and present lessons in the classroom. As a teacher, you will find a wide range of useful texts, references, class sets and kits in the Teacher Reference collection in your school library. All Teacher Reference materials are set aside, identified by a special label and are reserved exclusively for teacher's use. Please use the services of your library to help identify, acquire and reserve any teacher reference material you may need during the year. Please ensure that all Teacher Reference materials are promptly returned to the library, so that they are not lost or damaged and may be used by other teachers.
Operation World Literacy provides additional Teacher Resources on this web site. Please feel free to browse, download and use (but please respect all copyrights) any resources you may need. Please e-mail any suggestions or comments to owl@gonzales.com.au
OWLs know the important role that a library plays in a young student's education. To a student who knows how to use it effectively, a library is a treasure island of adventure, a forest of living creatures, a magical world of excitement or an enthralling documentary on any subject imaginable. From a teacher's perspective, a student's visit to the school library Library should be regarded as a learning experience like any other in the classroom. This original Library Lesson Plan by Julie Gonzales will help teachers prepare for and to structure the weekly excursion to the library. It outlines the Key Learning Areas, Learning Outcomes, Teacher and Student Tasks. It also provides a number of pre-prepared Library Lesson Activities to get you started. Good luck.